What’s the Difference Between Gum Therapy and Laser Gum Therapy?

Gum therapy in Houston, TX, refers to treatments that focus on addressing gum diseases like gingivitis and periodontitis. These conditions are caused by inflammation and infection of the gums and, if not treated immediately, can result in oral health problems, including tooth loss. That all sounds great, but how is that different from laser gum therapy?

Let’s find out.

What’s the Difference Between Gum Therapy and Laser Gum Therapy?

Laser gum therapy is an approach to treating gum issues that utilizes laser technology. The main difference between gum therapy and laser gum therapy lies in the tools and techniques employed to address gum diseases.

Here are some key distinctions.

1. Treatment Method

Traditional Gum Therapy – Typically this involves scaling and root planing procedures carried out by a dentist in Houston, TX, or a dental hygienist. Scaling entails removing plaque and tartar from the surfaces of teeth, while root planing smoothens the root surfaces to prevent buildup.

Laser Gum Therapy – It employs lasers to target and eliminate gum tissue and bacteria. Laser energy can also have an effect that helps seal blood vessels and reduce bleeding during the procedure.

2. Precision and Minimally Invasive

Traditional Gum Therapy – Although effective, traditional methods may involve effort and can be associated with some discomfort, bleeding, and swelling.

Laser Gum Therapy – Lasers offer precision as they can selectively target areas while minimizing damage to healthy tissue. This procedure is often seen as less invasive, leading to reduced discomfort and quicker patient recovery.

3. Bacterial Reduction

Gum Therapy – It relies on manually removing plaque and tartar to eliminate bacteria.

Laser Gum Therapy – The laser’s energy has an effect that helps kill bacteria and sterilize the treated areas.

4. Healing and Recovery

Traditional Gum Therapy – Recovery time can vary. Patients may experience some discomfort, bleeding, or swelling.

Laser Gum Therapy – Generally associated with less postoperative discomfort and faster healing.

Who’s Suitable for Laser Gum Therapy and Who’s Not?

Not all cases may be suitable for laser treatment. If you have an extreme case of gum disease, your periodontist might recommend a surgical procedure instead.

Do You Need a Dentist in Houston, TX?

If you need gum therapy, talk with a Houston, TX, dentist to determine whether this procedure is appropriate for you. Contact Restore Dental today for a consultation. We offer a full suite of dental services and take pride in making people smile.