Alternative Solutions When Dental Implants Are Not an Option

Has your dentist in Houston, TX, told you that you are not a good candidate for dental implants? If so, you are probably wondering what your options are. So let’s go over some alternatives to dental implants. Having this information will help you make an informed decision about which one is right for you.

Alternative Solutions When Dental Implants Are Not an Option

These are some of the dental implant alternatives in Houston, TX you might want to consider.

  • Dental Bridge

A traditional dental bridge is a fixed tooth replacement that is used to replace one or more of your teeth. A bridge attaches your new artificial teeth to your natural teeth on both sides of the gap where you have missing teeth.

  • Maryland Bridge

A Maryland bridge uses wing-like fixtures to bond your artificial teeth to the backs of your adjacent natural teeth to keep the bridge in place.

  • Full-Arch Bridge

A full-arch bridge is used when you don’t have many or any natural teeth. A full-arch bridge is placed over crowns to form a seal-tight lock to keep your full set of artificial teeth in place. These are similar to all-on-4 denture implants, but this option doesn’t require surgery. Additionally, this type of bridge is one you can remove yourself without having to visit your dentist in Houston, TX.

  • Dental Bridge with Denture Locks

Dentures with denture locks involve placing crowns on your adjacent teeth. Your new dentures and crowns have locks on the sides of them. You simply place your denture with crowns over your natural teeth then click and lock them into place.

  • Denture Bridge with Magnets

Denture bridges with magnets are similar to the dentures with locks we just described. However, dentures with magnets use magnets instead of locks to hold them in place. You must have some natural teeth for this option to work. Your dentist will place the specially designed magnets into the canals or on the surface of your teeth. The underside of your new dentures will have magnets as well. Both magnets will attract each other and hold your dentures in place.

Do You Need a Dentist in Houston, TX?

If you need a dentist in Houston, TX, please Contact Restore Dental at Montrose today. We have a comfortable, relaxing office and a team that will treat you with all the care and respect you deserve.