4 Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures to Improve Your Smile

If you don’t love how you smile, you may suffer from problems like poor self-esteem and difficulty initiating conversations with others. Cosmetic dentistry can help. Sometimes small changes can help patients feel good about their smile, and that can make all the difference when it comes to interpersonal relationships.

As your dentist in Houston, TX, the professionals at Restore Dental at Montrose can help. We offer a range of cosmetic dentistry procedures to help our patients achieve a smile they can be proud of. Below are four effective cosmetic dentistry procedures for you to consider.

1. Veneers

Dental veneers are thin, tooth-shaped covers that are cemented to the front of the tooth to hide cosmetic defects. Dental veneers can be placed over one or many teeth to make your smile more uniform and attractive.

Dental veneers are a permanent addition to your teeth because the dentist will need to shave down your tooth enamel to make space for them. They can cover up discolorations, chips, cracks, gaps in the teeth, and more.

2. Bonding

Dental bonding is similar to dental veneers. It involves placing resin over the tooth enamel to cover up stains, cracks, and gaps. The difference between dental bonding and a dental veneer is permanence: dental bonding doesn’t last forever.

Once it chips away, the original tooth enamel will show. The tooth doesn’t need to be shaved down to make space for dental bonding. Bonding can be reapplied at any time.

3. Teeth Whitening

If your teeth have yellowed and brushing them hasn’t helped, teeth whitening may be the solution. Professional teeth whitening can turn your teeth several shades lighter in one relatively quick visit to the dentist. If you have a beautiful smile with straight teeth but just wish your teeth were a little brighter, this may be the solution for you.

4. Gum Contouring

People with a “gummy” smile sometimes use gum contouring to lengthen their visible teeth. Gum contouring can also be used to give your gums a more even and consistent appearance throughout your mouth.

Do you want to know more about cosmetic dentistry in Houston, TX? If so, call Restore Dental at Montrose to make your next appointment.